Social Engineering 101
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Social Engineering 101
Social engineering is an important skill you have to have as a server host if you don't have an admin already on your team before you even started hosting the server. It is very important to know a few basic rule of social engineering or else you will create a toxic community. People aren't always what they seem. You might think you are talking to an intelligent being on the other side of the computer, but, you are on the internet and cannot actually read someones mind. The only information you are handed is how people project through what they type. Social engineering 101 is a set of rules that every server host must keep in order, or else the servers staff will completely ruin the server. Human beings are very close to savages, because they can look the same as a savage, but, the savage is going to show themselves by doing things that are not acceptable in a functioning democracy of humans and shouldn't be in a democracy in the first place, as it doesn't work for savages. Allow me to explain.
Five monkeys in a Cage
The five monkeys represent admins, managers, or staff of any group of organization. This experiment requires a fire hoes, water with a lot of pressure attached to that hoes, a ladder, a very tall cage, a very tall ladder, and a banana hanging from the top of the cage. First you put five monkeys in the cage. These monkeys will be called the original monkeys. The original monkeys are the most important monkeys to keep in line. When the monkeys go up the ladder to get the banana, use the fire hoes to spray them off and continue spraying the rest of the monkeys shortly after for about five seconds. Every time a monkey tries to go up the ladder, touches the ladder, and makes their way up, begin spraying that monkey off and all the other monkeys with water for five seconds after the first monkey falls off.
Eventually, the monkeys will stop trying to climb the ladder. Once this happens, you replace one of the original monkeys, preferably the one that attempted to go up the ladder the most, with a new monkey and turn off the fire hoes because you will no longer need it. When the new monkey attempts to go up the ladder, the other monkeys will actually begin doing the work for you to keep that monkey off the ladder. The new monkey will eventually learn not to go up the ladder anymore. Swap out one of the old monkeys later with a new monkey, swapping them out one at a time once they have reached a passive status toward the ladder. Once the entire cage has no more old monkeys and only new monkeys, then you may add a new monkey one monkey at a time. All the monkeys will prevent the new monkey from going up the ladder until the new monkey learns. Then you may add another one at a time.
Congratulations. You no longer have to keep the monkeys from attempting to reach the banana as they will keep each other from reaching the banana. The banana in this case is abusing power and the ladder is attempting to abuse power. The monkeys should never be able to reach the banana and you should be able to watch them and interact without them knowing you are there until they make a mistake. This is the most important part to staff in order to make sure staff are going to do what you want and not get out of line. Even if they do not understand entirely or are a smart ass, once they attempt to go up the ladder, they will eventually learn not to go down that road as you punish them and their peers as well.
If the host is not willing to do this, then the host is setting up their cage for someone to grab their banana, which isn't always nice. The server might stagnate on and off for a while, but, when admins are free to grab the banana, they will grab the banana and eventually people will get tired of it and any potential traffic you were getting on your server will basically be divided by at least four times.
Monkey see monkey do
This is self explanatory. If a monkey sees another monkey do something, they do it to. This rule applies for both admins and regular players. When a regular player ends up seeing a bunch of people doing something, they might want to join in. When a bunch of people end up seeing someone going around abusing a glitch, they are going to all begin abusing the glitch and keeping their mouth shut about it so it will never get fixed. If an admin sees another admin abusing, then they will also abuse their powers. Because of this, once you get loyal admins, you need to have them pro-actively and secretly attempt to manipulate the culture of the server by lying about how they really feel about something. Monkey see monkey do. It doesn't have to be something amazing, but, depending on what you want people to believe.
Here is an example. "<Name of fake admin> just got banned for admin abusing yesterday. Just don't be like him and you should do a good job as an admin". Make up a fake story or fake stories believed to be true and it will make people believe that you got things on lock down, even if you do not.
Civilized monkeys don't fight
It is true that if two monkeys disagree on who should eat the banana, one monkey might believe the banana should be split while the other monkey believes the stronger of them should get all the banana. Which one of these monkeys are going to do their job. Because of this, as a golden rule, always have people who do not get along or accept each others company, but, are good at being a staff member, in staff. This allows you to see how staff are going to tolerate normal players based on how well they are going to tolerate each other.
Know what I'm saiyin?
Five monkeys in a Cage
The five monkeys represent admins, managers, or staff of any group of organization. This experiment requires a fire hoes, water with a lot of pressure attached to that hoes, a ladder, a very tall cage, a very tall ladder, and a banana hanging from the top of the cage. First you put five monkeys in the cage. These monkeys will be called the original monkeys. The original monkeys are the most important monkeys to keep in line. When the monkeys go up the ladder to get the banana, use the fire hoes to spray them off and continue spraying the rest of the monkeys shortly after for about five seconds. Every time a monkey tries to go up the ladder, touches the ladder, and makes their way up, begin spraying that monkey off and all the other monkeys with water for five seconds after the first monkey falls off.
Eventually, the monkeys will stop trying to climb the ladder. Once this happens, you replace one of the original monkeys, preferably the one that attempted to go up the ladder the most, with a new monkey and turn off the fire hoes because you will no longer need it. When the new monkey attempts to go up the ladder, the other monkeys will actually begin doing the work for you to keep that monkey off the ladder. The new monkey will eventually learn not to go up the ladder anymore. Swap out one of the old monkeys later with a new monkey, swapping them out one at a time once they have reached a passive status toward the ladder. Once the entire cage has no more old monkeys and only new monkeys, then you may add a new monkey one monkey at a time. All the monkeys will prevent the new monkey from going up the ladder until the new monkey learns. Then you may add another one at a time.
Congratulations. You no longer have to keep the monkeys from attempting to reach the banana as they will keep each other from reaching the banana. The banana in this case is abusing power and the ladder is attempting to abuse power. The monkeys should never be able to reach the banana and you should be able to watch them and interact without them knowing you are there until they make a mistake. This is the most important part to staff in order to make sure staff are going to do what you want and not get out of line. Even if they do not understand entirely or are a smart ass, once they attempt to go up the ladder, they will eventually learn not to go down that road as you punish them and their peers as well.
If the host is not willing to do this, then the host is setting up their cage for someone to grab their banana, which isn't always nice. The server might stagnate on and off for a while, but, when admins are free to grab the banana, they will grab the banana and eventually people will get tired of it and any potential traffic you were getting on your server will basically be divided by at least four times.
Monkey see monkey do
This is self explanatory. If a monkey sees another monkey do something, they do it to. This rule applies for both admins and regular players. When a regular player ends up seeing a bunch of people doing something, they might want to join in. When a bunch of people end up seeing someone going around abusing a glitch, they are going to all begin abusing the glitch and keeping their mouth shut about it so it will never get fixed. If an admin sees another admin abusing, then they will also abuse their powers. Because of this, once you get loyal admins, you need to have them pro-actively and secretly attempt to manipulate the culture of the server by lying about how they really feel about something. Monkey see monkey do. It doesn't have to be something amazing, but, depending on what you want people to believe.
Here is an example. "<Name of fake admin> just got banned for admin abusing yesterday. Just don't be like him and you should do a good job as an admin". Make up a fake story or fake stories believed to be true and it will make people believe that you got things on lock down, even if you do not.
Civilized monkeys don't fight
It is true that if two monkeys disagree on who should eat the banana, one monkey might believe the banana should be split while the other monkey believes the stronger of them should get all the banana. Which one of these monkeys are going to do their job. Because of this, as a golden rule, always have people who do not get along or accept each others company, but, are good at being a staff member, in staff. This allows you to see how staff are going to tolerate normal players based on how well they are going to tolerate each other.
Know what I'm saiyin?
Lordofoaka- Posts : 30
Join date : 2015-04-19
Re: Social Engineering 101
Why is this in guides. Or a thing at all here.
renowner- Posts : 110
Join date : 2015-04-16
Re: Social Engineering 101
Because it is a guide? Why do you never read my messages before replying? It is a guide and it belongs in the guide section. It isn't off topic because it is directed at both this server and any other server.
Lordofoaka- Posts : 30
Join date : 2015-04-19
Re: Social Engineering 101
Nice screen caps. They really hammer the point home if you read everything.
Solus13- Posts : 33
Join date : 2015-04-13
Re: Social Engineering 101
Why thank you bb cakesSolus13 wrote:Nice screen caps. They really hammer the point home if you read everything.
Lordofoaka- Posts : 30
Join date : 2015-04-19
Re: Social Engineering 101
Those screencaps weren't there when he posted this and I replied. Additionally the second one shows nothing, and all this is is a vague personified representation of how people work. It isn't a guide. Guides are used for people to play the game, to get a grasp of how things work, tips of the trade. This is a policy. A possible way of doing things that's purely relative to how you think about it, with no assured results.
renowner- Posts : 110
Join date : 2015-04-16
Re: Social Engineering 101
The owner of this forum can see that my initial post is not edited. Everything can be formulated if you have enough common sense, even assured failure. This isn't a policy and the result may not be assured, but, the odds of the results being assured are "far greater" then doing nothing at all similar to this methodology. The second screen shot has enough inside the chat box Renowner for people to understand the first picture.
Just because you didn't read my entire power doesn't mean the other people who come here are going to be lazy, scroll down, read your replies, and instantly believe that the post isn't worth reading.
Just because you didn't read my entire power doesn't mean the other people who come here are going to be lazy, scroll down, read your replies, and instantly believe that the post isn't worth reading.
Lordofoaka- Posts : 30
Join date : 2015-04-19
Re: Social Engineering 101
No, I was there if you recall. The second picture does nothing to help your statement. It was you calling the moderator who was helping you names, and throwing threats and accusations at him despite him being the only reason you weren't stuck in limbo for ages. The only way i'd be able to warp you is with the warp verb, and without an x/y/z coordinate sheet I couldn't possibly move you into the positions you were so carefully placed, let alone at that high a speed. Besides, after seeing it I specifically asked you if your teleportation skill was working if you recall, as it was bugged for everyone else, and that's what it looked like.
Also, what power?
Also, what power?
renowner- Posts : 110
Join date : 2015-04-16
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