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Species Thread

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Species Thread Empty Species Thread

Post by Shavikarus Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:06 am

This is a thread I made so people could post ideas on what species their could be without their being 10 billion other threads. So say your suggestions in this thread and uhh good luck?

The falling below is a suggestion and does not relate to the message above. Remember this is a species suggestion thread not a Neko only one.

Also ever thought of a Neko species. We already do have cat ears and tail item that we can equip so why not have it as a species? I'm guessing they be like humans but maybe increased stats to like DEX (when it provides an obvious use) resistance, magic, and possibly stamina while they have a decrease endurance, strength, health, and maybe mana to balance it? Also they could do more damage with unharmed combat cause of their claws.

Please forgive me in this is a bad species and or thread idea U.U . I thought it kinda fit you know? The thread and idea but eh u.u . Don't hurt me please o-o . Also and I know we gotta fix all the nasty bugs we have in the current game right now also (Depending on when you read this) so maybe this would be like also a storage for future ideas about species? I hope you guys like this thread ^^;.....


Posts : 3
Join date : 2015-04-15
Age : 25

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Species Thread Empty Re: Species Thread

Post by DemonIncarnation Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:15 am

So in other words, this would be Subraces where by your example, Nekos are a species of humans - instead of giving Nekos a race for themselves?

And suggestions to your suggestion:
Maybe make them ascend to Nekomatas and have twin cat tails  cat

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Join date : 2015-04-14

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Species Thread Empty Re: Species Thread

Post by Shavikarus Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:05 pm

I didn't think of that but ya I guess they would be a Sub-race of humans unless they wanna make them their own race. Both would do I guess?


Posts : 3
Join date : 2015-04-15
Age : 25

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Species Thread Empty Re: Species Thread

Post by Gluscap Sat Apr 18, 2015 3:18 am

I may add the sub-human idea, allowing players to choose different sub-human classes. Kind of like demon classes. However for a race suggestion, it'll have to be a bit more than just different mods to be added. I'd like all races to have a unique (unique as in different from the other races) mechanic. Demons have soul absorption, Angels have divinity and Humans have Ascension.

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Join date : 2014-05-08
Location : Toronto, ON

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